Vax Information
Breaking Vax Rollout News - VaccineDeaths.com

The Pharma companies are indemnified - meaning you cannot claim compensation against them in case of injury or death
The vaccines were not tested to prevent transmission or death from COVID - only to prevent mild symptoms
The UK Government openly states it doesn't know if the Pfizer jab will have an impact on fertility (see section 4.6 of Govt information for UK healthcare professionals)
Long term impacts on life and health are completely unknown
The UK government is expecting a high volume of adverse reactions to the Covid jab, yet is claiming it is 100% safe.
The vax trials are fraudulently based on a PCR test that cannot prove a viral infection
There is No Need for a Vax
UK Government Status of COVID-19
As of March 19, 2020, the UK government no longer considered COVID-19 to be a 'high consequence infectious disease'. In particular, low overall mortality rates is now a known feature of COVID-19
Why rush in experimental mRNA jabs, why lockdown, why collapse the economy, why fundamentally change society for something not considered a high consequence disease?
The Actual Risk Does Not Justify the Cure
The drastic measures and Vax propaganda for COVID-19 is based on the media's insistance that there are huge numbers of people dying from this Pandemic and everybody is in mortal danger. A scientific enquiry into the actual risk of death proves this is simply not true.
"Put simply, the absolute and relative “flu-like” risk of death from a SARS-CoV2 infection is far too low to rigorously justify government’s imposing any major disruptions to normal life, let alone the massive and indiscriminate “lockdown” disruptions"
Asymptomatic People Do Not Spread COVID-19
The totalitarian measures included around the world to 'combat' COVID-19 are based on a completely false premise that asymptomatic people are a danger to others. This is scientifically unfounded.
The Canadian scientist Denis Rancourt, discusses the manipulated science behind lockdowns, masks, isolation, censorship and totalitarian laws.
May 05 2020, Corbett Report: Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World
The Bill and Melinda Gates foundations plan to reorient the global health economy as part of a bigger agenda.
Mar 29 2021, UK Column News
The Harsh Reality of Vaccine Adverse Effects
A UK woman recounts her husband's agonising paralysis 2 weeks after the AstraZenica vaccine.
**Censored off YouTube
Mar 20 2022, Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood, expert on technocracy, speaks on Biodiversity - The Genetic Takeover of all Living Things.
Jun 14 2021, Mike Yeadon Interview
Dr Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, speaks about the low risk of the virus, and high risk of government actions.
A letter to help care home managers understand the legal requirement for fully informed consent for their residents and employees before administering a Covid-19 vaccine. Useful document for concerned relatives to print off and share with care homes and the wider community.